Unit 6: Game Dev Tools, Functions & Properties


Activities in this unit of study are designed to engage the learner, providing rich skill building opportunities in areas of game interface creation for Human Computer Interfaces and Graphical User Interfaces.


  • Developing the Game Environment (e.g. object placement, terrains, environment effects, skyboxes, navigation, character controllers)
  • Graphical and Human Interfaces (e.g. controls, skins, and styles)
  • Creating Animations in Unity (e.g. preparing models, avatars, states, blend trees


  • Structure game environment to enhance the players experience
  • Place objects appropriately within game environment
  • Integrate navigation & character controllers within the game environment.
  • Apply terrain & environmental effects within the game environment
  • Use game interfaces across platforms & game genres
  • Apply skins to game interfaces
  • Create quality game interfaces
  • Differentiate graphical user interfaces & human machine interfaces
  • Explain importance of hierarchical structures for managing game objects & transforms within the game editor.
  • Apply skyboxes to create dynamic game world environments.
  • Manage object properties & object transformations in game editor
  • Use world & local coordinate systems within game environment.
  • Create, manipulate & transform animation controllers.
  • Create animator components.
  • Create blended animations using blend trees.
  • Use scripts to manage animators.


  1. Developing the Game Environment a. Components of the Game Environment b. Creating Terrain for Realism c. Trees, Grass and Water d. Environment Effects: Skyboxes, Fog, Lens Flares e. Character Controllers f. Fixing Your Virtual World
  2. Graphical and Human Machine Interfaces a. Basics of GUI and HMI Design b. GUI and HMI Controls c. Labels, Buttons, Toolbars, Toggles, and Other Controls d. Styles and Skins
  3. Creating Animations in Unity a. Advanced Animations b. Preparing Models for Animation

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