Unit 8: Physics & the Build Process


In this unit of study, you will explore concepts fundamental to the ideal level design. You will understand the principles of navigation, the importance of a balanced layout to providing good game flow and explore principles of functionality.


  • Level Design
  • Principles of Navigation
  • Principles of Functionality
  • Balancing game layout
  • 2D and 3D object placement


  1.  Plan and draw maps on paper, collect references, and create top down sketches for gameplay
  2. Explain the principles of level design
  3. Compare and contrast various game flows
  4. Define and implement game pathways, choke points, spawn points, and methods of defining where game objects will meet at choke points
  5. Explain the concept of a balanced layout
  6. Describe how game levels are used to support game story
  7. Create a sketch of a level layout for a hypothetical game
  8. Communicate level design ideas, concepts, and models in a variety of ways


  1. Level Design Theory
  • Game flow types
  • Creating a balanced layout
  • Support of the game narrative
  • Conveying the design
  1. Level Design – soup to nuts
  • The big idea
  • From research to reference
  • Creating the floor plan(s)
  • Game Play elements
  • Objects
  • Other effects (lighting, sound, etx)
  1. Understanding the flow of space: explore how players tend to move through space in several different situations
  • 2D platformers
  • 3D first person shooters
  • 3D narrative spaces.
  1. Level editors: Tools and tricks of the trade
  • Scene Editor (Unity 3D game engine)

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